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  • (904) 224-5437

  • 4160 Boulevard Center Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32207

Back to School Backpack Giveaway

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    Event Date

    August 21, 2022

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    Event Location

    2040 Riverview St, FL

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    Event Cost

    Age: 18 & Above

To make sure education for underserved children we are raising our funds. At present we are seeing thousands of children being neglected in our community. They do not get proper education, food, treatment, and many other advantages due to poverty. We are raising our funds to help these poor children around the globe. Your small donation can help us to raise our funds and can make sure of their education, treatment, and other things. So please donate to help the underserved.

Why Donate

Our work is possible because of people like you. Your generosity allows us to serve our communities' most vulnerable and at-risk populations, with a focus on increasing health in their lives. It is your commitment to giving back that helps families and individuals, and future generations, to live their best lives possible. Your tax-deductible donation supports Angel Kids Foundation, Inc. and helps us achieve our vision of : Bridging health care and communities. Thank you for supporting our work!